December 10, 2001 |
Michelle writes:
You are my last hope. i am serious about this and really am looking for a sign. I have been dating "Matt" for almost 2 years now. I love him very much and think he is the best lover and most handsome man i have ever seen. He just isn't around in my times of troubles and creates dragons he leaves me alone to fight. Enter "Spark". He is an old friend who i have only been able to communicate with thru writing for the past 6 years. But now he is back and love is written all over his face. If "Matt" was not in the picture i would be all about "Spark" but i fid myself wishing his adoring devoted heart was inside of "Matt". Should i follow my heart and try to work things out with "Matt"? Or should i follow my mind and build my life with "Spark"? Please help! Sir Charles replies:Listen, you: One's heartstrings are about as moved by a letter from a girl who desires a fellow who's had the word 'love' tattooed upon his cranium, as they would be moved by a performance entirely in Pig Latin of the children's dramaDick Whittington's Cat Gets A Little Pussy by the Players' Guild of Greater Little Lesser on the Thames. In the nude. Which is to say, very little at all. However, a sign you look for, and a sign one gives you. Here you are: "STOP" Washing one's hands of the affair, one remains, Suzzy writes:
i have known many men biblelickly in the last year. i cant help myself. i just think im a friendly girl. is this wrong? suzzy Sir Charles replies:My dear girl whose name rhymes with 'Fuzzy,' You sound like a very, very friendly girl indeed. Yes, a girl with gobs of friends. And when you die after a friendly, friendly life, think of all the gentlemen friends who will regretfully attend your funeral. Yes, think of them, all crowded around that specially-built Y-shaped coffin made to accommodate your legs. In a non-judgemental sort of way, one remains, New Husband writes:
I'm a newlywed in Nashua. I've only been married for three months, and it's getting on my nerves. What's the deal with not being able to live the way I want? For example, when I get home for the day, I like to take off my pants and throw them onto the back of the chair in the bedroom and let them air out a bit. But then in comes Sheila, my wife, and she's taking them down and putting them in the hamper and making the house all neat and clean. What's the deal? Can't I leave my pants hanging? Can't a man live the way he wants? New Husband In New Hampshire Sir Charles replies:Sirrah, If one has learned anything from several years as the advisor to the witless, it is this: In a marriage, the wife has the perfect right to take down her husband's trousers whenever the whim strikes. With brevitude, one remains, Sandra writes:
i am a teen who is caught in between two men. one of them is the one i love, and the other is just a crush, who i like a lot. what do i do? sandra Sir Charles replies:My girl, There is such a thing as being too polite. Merely excuse yourself, extricate yourself from between them, and ask them not to stand quite so close in the future. Ever the gentleman, one remains |